To integrate with Novaya Poshta in our service, you need to go to the “Integration” tab and enter the Key from Novaya Poshta in the corresponding field (Screen 1).

To access this tab, you need to click the gear button at the top of the page and go to the Integration tab (Screen 2).

How to get a key to the Nova Poshta API
To get the API, you need:
Log in to the Nova Poshta website: (Screen 3).

Go to the “Settings” section in the top menu (Screen 4).

On the page that opens, go to the “Security” section (Screen 5).

Next, click the “Create key” button (Screen 6).

A newly created key will appear a little above the button, which you can copy and use on our service.
To do this, enter the received key in the corresponding field and click the “Save” button (Screen 7).

After that, the “Add sender” window will open, where the given persons will already be filled in (Screen 8).

In the window, you must specify the shipping city and branch number relevant to you.

When everything is filled out, click the “Add Sender” button.
That’s all =)