How to integrate with Loyal Cards

Enhance your business with LoyalCards Integration:

Consider integrating with LoyalCards to further improve the capabilities of your business. With LoyalCards, you can gain the following advantages:

  1. Bonus Program: Creation and management of a loyalty bonus program.
  2. Digital cards for Apple and Google Wallet: Issue digital loyalty cards for Apple and Google Wallet.
  3. Loyalty chatbot in Telegram: Implementation of a chatbot for loyalty programs in Telegram.
  4. Unlimited notifications: Use unlimited notifications – push notifications, geolocation messages, and iBeacon messages.
  5. Automatic updates: Automatically update bonus balances, discount amounts, and card designs.
  6. Customer registration and feedback collection: Simplify customer registration and feedback collection.

How to integrate with Loyal Cards

HugeProfit offers a reliable CRM solution for retail businesses, and by integrating with LoyalCards, you can strengthen loyalty programs and offer customers an even more comfortable experience.

To connect to the LoyalCards service, log in to your account “HugeProfit”, go to settings, the “Integrations” section, find LOYAL CARDS, and click “Connect.” Leave the key as it is, and fill in the other fields according to the instructions above the fields. All fields must be filled in.

After this, click the save button. And wait for an email to the address you provided.

Next, go to the Loyal Cards resource

After registration, you will be in test mode. In test mode, saving settings is not available. The buttons are active except for saving, so users can familiarize themselves with possible settings, but there is no option to save them in this mode.

Follow the video instructions from Loyal Cards for issuing digital cards for your business: